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Kuí provides a series of dependency injection functions for easier API authentication and automatically generates corresponding OpenAPI documentation for them.


The ApiKey dependency injection function accepts two parameters. The name is the name of the API Key, and the position is the position of the API Key, which can be either query, header, or cookie.

    name: str,
    position: Literal["query", "header", "cookie"] = "header",
) -> Callable[[Union[str, None]], str]

As shown in the following example, we can create a dependency injection function using the api_key_auth_dependency function to retrieve the API Key from the api-key field in the request header.

def need_auth(
    api_key: Annotated[str, Depends(api_key_auth_dependency("api-key"))],
) -> str:
    return api_key

HTTP Basic

The dependency injection function created using the basic_auth function retrieves the username and password from the Authorization field in the request header. You don't need to handle the parsing of the username and password yourself; they will be returned as a tuple.

def need_auth(
    user_and_password: Annotated[Tuple[str, str], Depends(basic_auth)],
) -> str:
    return ", ".join(user_and_password)

HTTP Bearer

The dependency injection function created using the bearer_auth function retrieves the Token without the Bearer prefix from the Authorization field in the request header.

def need_auth(
    token: Annotated[str, Depends(bearer_auth)],
) -> str:
    return token